Happy Birthday Sofi

My little princess… when we learned you were a girl, we were all so excited for all things pink and finally getting to play with dolls, after having three awesome nephews.

You came into the world with a purpose. We were all scared when we learned the news that you were arriving a little earlier than we thought. I was carrying your cousin in my womb when all of this happened. In a way, you were our first glimpse of “broken expectations”. When I held you, I not only held my first niece, I held a miracle and what I thought was a glimpse of my near future. And even though I didn’t get to hold my first baby the way I expected, you have filled my arms and my heart in a way that I hope one day you understand.

God has been to good to us. Even after experiencing such loss, when I see you, a chubby little girl—who was born at 4.5 pounds—now crawling, eating, smiling and thriving, I see the Lord’s Grace and mercy in our family.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. Always.

You came into my life in the darkest time. I grieve the cousin you’ll never get to meet here. And I thank God for your smile and your love.

We will always share a special bond as the little sisters to the best Riveros big brothers. Something only you and I understand 😉

I love you, Sofi!