Category: General

  • For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.

    For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.

    You know those things you always hear about, but tend to brush off because it does not apply to you? I had heard the famous “six word novel” attributed to Ernest Hemingway (although I later found out the link to him is unsubstantiated). Anyways, that example of “flash fiction” hit me like a ton of…

  • A Year Later

    A Year Later

    You think you will never feel happy again. You think your days will always be gray and you will always have an achy heart. You think you will never be able to get over the pain. But you do…. and you don’t. How do I feel nearly a year after losing my son? Changed. There…

  • Happy Birthday Sofi

    Happy Birthday Sofi

    My little princess… when we learned you were a girl, we were all so excited for all things pink and finally getting to play with dolls, after having three awesome nephews. You came into the world with a purpose. We were all scared when we learned the news that you were arriving a little earlier…