Category: General

  • A Mother’s Bereaved Heart

    A Mother’s Bereaved Heart

    I am very blessed to be surrounded by mothers and babies. I have three nephews and one niece and very close friends with babies. I was actually very excited to have my baby, since I was going to be surrounded by so many moms. When I lost Noah, I did not just lose my baby,…

  • A Quiet Place: Movie Review from a Loss Mama’s Perspective

    A Quiet Place: Movie Review from a Loss Mama’s Perspective

    Last weekend, Jon and I took a break from packing (yes, we’re moving) and went to the movies. We never do this, because movies tickets are expensive and there’s not that many movies in theaters that are worth the $15 and two hours of our time. Jon expressed a particular interest for the movie A…

  • Mourning With Others

    Mourning With Others

    Through the wonderful world of Social Media, I have been able to connect with so many other grieving moms. There is something so incredibly powerful about connecting with another woman on the other side of the world, who is going through the same thing. The internet is our modern miracle. I have always been interested…